I am asked to deliver specific results. I know this mandate includes minimal levels of ethical and moral parameters that I must adhere to in order to win at the game. They are there, but in the end only results count in the measurement of my personal and group success! Stated another way, in my process versus results equation the only evaluation the organization makes comes from specific outcomes (numerical results).
In my directions decision the question of how we get there always comes up. Do we fight without regards for people and their lives? If we work towards winning for the people will, or even can, we win the game laid out by corporate? I would be the last person to suggest that my colleagues facing the same questions have chosen a path that exploits those around them. I do not know, I am not in a position to see all the facts, and I cannot imagine what my opinion (judgment) would do to help anyone in the process. The questions I pose are always intensely personal and often private. In the end the “we” always becomes an “I” question.
How does God work? Is God only concerned with getting a specific form of behavior out of you? Does God want specific results? Is God looking to see choices, outcomes, actions, or behaviors? What is God doing?
My experience with God is that He is an incredible artist, forming something beautiful out of something ugly. God has, I am sure, a vision of what can be, but as the object of His work I have no idea what I am going to look like! God’s brush strokes, actions, and work are a process – not a means to a predetermined end-state! It is critical to realize that “unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.” (Romans 12.3)
God is an artist, applying unconditional love, mercy, and grace to your life and mine; restoring us to completeness.