“Shout ‘Hallelujah!’ because God’s so good, sing anthems to his beautiful name. And why? Because God chose Jacob, embraced Israel as a prize possession.” Psalm 135.3,4
Trying to make things happen is difficult on a good day. People do not want to do what they do not want to do. Groups or organizations have a unique momentum that becomes a living entity. Outside influences operate in ways that no one can accurately predict. Focusing people is tough.
There are two exceptions; focusing people in the direction that they want to go is easy. They are already moving that way is the first clue. The second one is that they have their reasons for going the direction they are which you may or may not understand. The second exception occurs when the goal is so attractive that is pulls people towards it. Regardless of how you look at it, being a cheerleader with a goal that pulls people is always easier than being a driving change agent!
Focusing one’s own direction towards our values and priorities follows the same line. It is difficult! Our moment to moment needs and drives often conflict with our long-term goals. In addition, usually the place or goal we want to get to is attractive but not compelling. God often falls into this category. We carry a thirst for a God relationship. We may or not realize we have it, but it is there all the time. We know that it is good to have a relationship with God, but we really do not know or understand what this means. We want to contribute to the world and live a “good” life, however day to day issues often bring difficult decisions with conflicting viewpoints. How can we make God things happen?
This week I found myself on the “team”. I did not have to push my way on, argue that I belonged, or do anything. I belonged and was part of the group. Everything changed.
Guess what? God chose you! God is the captain of your team. Everything is different.