“Pull” happens when something external to you or I guides, leads, and motivates us to a destination of our free choosing. “Push” is the outcome when you or I set a goal and work towards that end, regardless of anything external to us. Simply stated; we choose in both cases with external direction in the first, self-knowledge and motivation in the second.
The world applauds people who push their way forward, as long as they play within society's rules. Admiration flows when we see someone succeed, especially if the individual came from a difficult beginning. Role models come labeled and package for the next generation to emulate. The only warning sign comes when there are too many victims. When the winner holds back or tramples on too many people in recent memory, some begin to question the results, but not all!
A big advantage of a push approach comes with the effort expended. The individual involves knows he is working hard and that makes the positive feelings flow. Those observing the situation can see how hard the work is and often give encouragement when the going gets extremely difficult. Moving always seems better than sitting, waiting, or just being patient.
There is an alternative. It will almost certainly be more difficult, frustrating, and uncertain. One can allow the Spirit to guide and direct. God offers to pull you in the “best” direction, however he warns that this will be challenging and painful. The rewards are awesome in the short and long term!
God warns those who want to take a push strategy. “Don't try to be like those who shoulder their way through life.” (Proverbs 3.31) He appears to know something we do not.
God offers to guide and lead us. This approach requires trust and willingness, loads of it! People will attack and ridicule when we follow this direction. The rewards – a sense of fulfillment, peace, happiness, and of belonging – are worth everything.
This is a “Y” in life's path. The choice is one that only you can make for yourself.