Life is full of puzzles. Parts on a car collapse with no warning, exhaust pipes leak from places one could never imagine, and replacement parts become illusive and expensive. Carving wood takes on fresh meanings as knots and flaws take on the illusive faces of exotic animals. A near perfect golf swing becomes a step towards plowing new trenches in soft, wet ground. A journey with God is full of potholes and excursions toward self-grandeur.
The pattern is there for us to find. Parts of life happen because of another’s choice, many experiences are gifts of grace and mercy. Bad things happen with explanation because one person chose to drive with too little sleep or too much alcohol. People die because their bodies could not defend themselves against the virus or cancer that snuck in like a hidden enemy. Good things happen as a work with God and respond to His leading. Your health and mine returns to a fresh position with good food, time alone, managed stress, and exercise. Life takes new hope with acts of grace and mercy when we least deserve them.
“He [God] acted to set things right in this life of contradictions where I want to serve God with all my heart and mind, but am pulled by the influence of sin to do something totally different.” (Romans 7.25) I find God acting when I least deserve it. I see acts of mercy coming into my life when I am running away, hiding from anything that might come from His Presence.
Life is full of interesting puzzles that do not make sense. Perhaps the puzzles are clues for us to see and experience! God offers us the gift that came from His work. He took care of things when we did not deserve it, ask for it, or even think that we might need it. He answered the riddles and set the stage for a fresh start. I keep trying to hide in my own efforts. I run away thinking that there is a better solution.
The answer is simple, God.