An editorial in a Madras paper caught my eye. The thought was that unless one has a spiritual goal and focus when they are young, they will never realize their goal when they grow older. The descriptions that followed talked of Hindu gods; however, the writer ended by pointing out the applicability to people of all faiths and belief systems.
The questions are as pertinent today as it was in previous lives. What is your goal, mine? Is there a destination where you would like to end up at? Do I have one? What role does God play in you life; in mine?
I sit and gaze out the window at the waves rolling off the sea. The five to six footers look perfect for body surfing, yet it is the relentlessness that gets to me. No matter what goes into them, they keep on coming. Boats may sail across the peaks, but that does and will not deter the force from reaching out and landing on the beach. It is as if a quest is underway and nothing can or will be able to stop it. Do I approach my life with the same determination and focus?
There is much in life to distract us from our goals. The need to survive financial is pressing for people of all walks of life. The momentum of previous choices often shapes far more of today than any of us realize. The challenge of breaking out, taking control, and having confidence in the future is often illusive. It is almost too easy to reinforce yesterday’s choices, slide into what life seems to be giving us, and indulge the god of self.
There are far too many ways to fall down. I do not believe that is where our focus needs to lie. I find a God of hope, love, mercy, acceptance, and peace reaching out to you and me. Turn; you will see that He is already wrapping himself around your life.
“A God-loyal life keeps you on track; sin dumps the wicked in the ditch.” (Proverbs 13.6)