There is a theory that America took the best from England and systematically improved on each and every thing. As a result when you compare highways, telephone systems, methods of construction, and historically restaurants the conclusion was obvious. Yet today’s experience in London is quite different! Restaurants are good to great and if you ignore the price, expensive to very expensive, you will find yourself experiencing something on par with New York.
Some differences between England and America are real; one that comes to mind is “Question Time”. Question Time is an honored tradition where the prime minister and his cabinet come to parliament to face questions from parliament’s members. It isn’t an outright debate; civilized conversation and questions are always directed through the chair who, robed and hidden under a wig, says little. The process isn’t random or irregular. Each week it comes with the news bring the highlights.
Imagine the United States president facing an open period of questions where he answered and questioned in return! Given the rancor between the various political parties today the taxpayer would probably need to put everyone through a course in appropriate etiquette but in time people would learn how to behave.
Keep the imagination running and imagine yourself questioning God. There would be no need to bottle up your emotions, letting the pressure of one’s anger build unchecked, everything could get out in the open. Jesus extended an invitation for just this type of question time in his conversation with the women at the well. “The woman said, ‘Sir, you don't even have a bucket to draw with, and this well is deep. So how are you going to get this ‘living water’?’” (John 4.11) She wasn’t put down; she got her answer with respect, transparency, and openness.
We may not realize it but the invitation to question God is wide open. No rules, no boundaries; just open opportunities to share your mind with Divinity. Don’t worry about etiquette; a sincere heart will suffice. Everything is possible. Each day is Question Time. Anything on your mind?