The morning was eerily still. The normal construction sounds of the building coming up less than 100 meters away were missing. The early light had brought a gentle softness to the trees on Tanglin Road and Demsey Hill. Everything seemed to be in meditation.
The events of the recent past washed over me like an uninvited guests. Whatever I might think or feel, I had no choice but to accept and deal with the presence. The reality of deaths and funerals, illness and uncertainty, choices and relationships, fears and opportunities imposed themselves on my heart. I was overwhelmed. Clearly, I had not woken with this in mind! I had anticipated a time of reflection with a fresh latte in my hands. I was looking forward to a warm embrace of a new chapter. Life many, I found myself confronted by the harsh reality of what it is like to live in this time of life.
I do not claim to have universal answers to the overwhelming pain and fear we have in our lives. I only have the few words that Life shared with me this morning. Our compassionate God is present, in your life and mine. God trembles with us as we struggle to face the future, sharing our fear and our pain. In mercy and love, God offers her hand to us in the form of Hope and Courage. There are many faces to our God. Sometimes it is your face and mine. On other occasions it is the face of a stranger. In tangible and intangible ways, to everyone the promise is universal. “God makes his people strong. God gives his people peace.” (Psalm 29.11)
There is enough pain in this world; my prayer is that I do not add to it.
There are hurting people everywhere; my prayer is that I am a carrier of compassion and mercy.
Hope is in short supply; my prayer is that I share what I have with those around me.
Today is an opportunity for each to make a difference – for others and for one’s self.