Every day, and especially on New Year's morning, one must decide what we are going to do for the day. There are some days when the answer to our question cries out for execution; sleep, more sleep, and then some more sleep. Do nothing! We know, well at least I know, that it is unrealistic to plan every day of my life this way. I want to do something, get things done, to be creative!
On most days I wake and begin to get going without a second thought. Shower, dress for the day, a quick cup of coffee, and on to the tasks at hand. Over the past two years, I have changed my routine in one important way. The first answer I want to know in order to start my day is “what does God have on my list today?”
I am not the first one to wake up to this simple reference point. If one wants to get the most out of life, live, live life to the fullest, then God is the answer. To be blunt, you and I do not have the answers! We never have had them. Our parents did not have them; neither did our parent's parents. We were born with a thirst to live and commune with the Divine – and that is exactly what I want to do today!
Ironically, we have “a Manual for Living” that we often ignore. We assume that the Bible is not relevant to life in the twenty-first century, much less in a city like New York or London. Legends, traditions, and the Bible all agree that Solomon was the wisest man who lived at any time on earth. To quote his writings – “These are the wise saying of Solomon…written down so we'll know how to live well and right, to understand what life means and where it's going, a manual for living, for learning what's right and just and fair.” (Proverbs 1.1,2,3)
This is a fresh beginning. Come, I want to follow God's lead!