The crowd had finally queued into a reasonably orderly line. With the jostling and subtle positioning going on, one had no idea how long the order would last. Given that I was on an obscure street in east Singapore, I had no idea why anyone would stand in line at an unmarked warehouse. As I circled the block, I discovered that this was the Converse distribution center. Today was a one-day limited sale.
Today’s opportunity was by rank. Those at the back had little or no hope! Their choices would be whatever was left.
My competitive nature tells me that life is a game of positioning. It is important to be first. It is relevant to fight for one’s ranking. Anything that is not at the head is not acceptable, including me.
Life reminds me that the real story is not about being first. Life is bigger than this. Starting with myself, there is more than what the world measures. In the story, the measure of our success is only told over time. Even then, only God knows the truth.
One’s rank is measure by from two perspectives. First, what are we not qualified to do. I am not a surgeon. It is something I have no training or experience in. On the other hand, I have a love for God. I am qualified to share it for what it is worth. It is not a substitute for your walk, however it can be something that to learn from (mistakes and successes). Second, I will make mistakes along with the claim of a few victories. In the bigger picture, God will need to measure. I/we can only see part of the story. Paul captured the thoughts well; “I’m not aware of anything that would disqualify me from being a good guide for you, but that doesn’t mean much. The Master makes that judgment.” (1 Corinthians 4.4)
I am left in the moment at hand; I can choose to be part of the difference or stand by. It really is my only choice regardless of my rank.