Contemporary buildings can be difficult to reach. Designs that include sharp angles, deep recesses, and curves are not easily serviced by individuals who are suspended in a straight line. A design of a new building coming online was a combination of block shapes, with dramatic changes to a traditional flat glass front. The window solution looked bulky and clunky and yet, it was clear that it would work to reach every part of the building.
Taking the picture triggered a reflection that lingers on and into the start of a new day. What do I need to do to reach individuals that do not fit the norm? if I wanted to reach them on that level, what would I do? The physical solution for this building was a visible metaphor for the art of the possible.
Everyone can be touched by another. There are two sides to this awareness for me. First, as a principle, by the reality of my design and creation, I am part of Divinity’s family. Whatever follows does not change my creation. Secondly, I am loved by my creator. Divinity loves me in whatever shape, form, and place I find myself in. In my state, wherever and however I find myself, Divinity is present, ready, and waiting to embrace me.
Those who are lost can be found. The effort required may take time. The angles and shapes of the path may not be easy, yet the result should never be in doubt. For the building, a different design was required. Once implemented, the path was clear. I could see how each point could be reached. It was the physical illustration of an old observation; “Jesus, staying true to God’s purposes, reached out in a special way to the Jewish insiders so that the old ancestral promises would come true for them.” (Romans 15.8)
Reaching people ultimately requires a touch. Everything in the design was intended to bring the cleaners to the place they were needed. Today is my opportunity to take a ride, reach out, and connect with others where they are.