Reality can be tough. It can also be beautiful, awesome, problematic, and full of wonder. Far too often I find myself accepting the good and trying to ignore the bad. My attitude is one of defiance! “I should not have to deal with this, at least not now. Life is about reaching for the heights, not struggling in the depths. I don’t have time for this.” Yet it is in the complete picture that you and I have the opportunity to fully and completely live.
Throughout history there are records of long forgotten disasters and human tragedy. Even the best had to grabble with difficult messages; “Village Ar of Moab is in ruins, destroyed in a night raid. Village Kir of Moab is in ruins, destroyed in a night raid.” (Isaiah 15.1) Human lives destroyed. Families are torn apart. Communities struggle to respond, knowing that every moment tells the story of values, priorities, and details of the heart.
I wish there was one living example of the perfect response. It is far easier to find examples of disaster and ruin. The ability of humans to abuse everything around them, including members of their families, defies our ability to imagine. Yet it is in these moments of anger, pain, and grief that we find our greatest opportunity to act. We don’t need to be facing disaster and ruin in order to understand life. We can bring compassion, mercy, and acceptance to every moment – ready to give, share, and travel with those around us. As we open ourselves up to the fullness of the life we face we find ourselves coming into the presence of God – sensing Divinity’s response to every moment (compassion), understanding our position with the Divine (unconditional acceptance), and discovering the opportunity to be strengthen in order to be fully and completely alive (mercy). It can be a wonderful experience, if one musters the courage to fully “be” in life.
Today’s spring comes with a gift of invitation. We hold within us God’s call to partake of life. It is real and it is now.
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