Seventeen hundred startups were taking residence in their own space across nine pavilions. I still struggle to imagine how a founder might think s/he would stand out. Big, small, active, and hiding behind a screen, seemingly unwilling to catch the eyes of those walking by, every stand and exhibit had something to say. AI was a shared word in a large majority. I am unsure how or why, except it is the right thing to have in your story if you want to be current and trendy.
There were standouts. One joint venture manufactures and delivers a machine in the Emirates using air to produce water. There were multiple machines, from small ones that fit in a car or pick-up to a large machine generating thousands of litres a day. It sounds good. The bottle looked good. It tasted good. In short, it was the real stuff.
Good can emerge from what is dirty and polluted. My natural doubts came from the idea that contaminants never go away. In this case, certifications, tests, and more repped and warranted that the outcome was pure and clean water. In the mirror, as much and often as Divinity continues to remind me that her creation is pure and uncontaminated, I still invite doubts and uncertainty to remain in the room. Tasting the water was a step in sending both away, with my experience closing the door.
Results are the best answer to fear. I often stop myself at the beginning, fearful of what will follow. My fear tells me that the product cannot work. My fear suggests that there are unknowns I do not understand. My fear was finally confronted by my emotions and experience of tasting and knowing my thirst had been quenched. Water does what other options fail to do. The irony reminded me of an old quote; “When he said, “You don’t want sacrifices and offerings,” he was referring to practices according to the old plan.” (Hebrews 10.8) You and I want the new.
I am hydrating; it is an excellent way to start my day.