The world is full of hype and promises. The latest .com commercials, rhetoric between most men and women, and people pushing their agendas are full of things we dream, hope, and yearn for. At times, it is difficult to know what is real versus an expression created by an artist or dreamer through a computer. The line between real action and comic book reality is shrinking and often invisible to the human eye.
I like real action. I like people who cook their food themselves, especially when they start with basic ingredients. I admire artists who stretch and prime their canvas as part of the creative process. The person who makes this happen, especially from start to finish, seems to both appreciate and enjoy the experience more than anyone else. Real people make real things happen!
Too often, we assume that God is a concept full of hype and promises. The reality of how people behave suggests that this assumption is relatively common. God does not seem to affect the real world, is not integral to actions, choices, and decisions. The question one keeps coming back to is; what is the real story? Is God merely a dream that motives us into better relationships and actions?
In my own experience, I find a God that is very different from the passive, merely a dream concept. God is a God of real action. “The God-setting-things-right that we read about has become Jesus-setting-things-right for us. And not only for us, but for everyone who believes in him.” (Romans 3.22)
The awesome fact about this God is that there are no conditional criteria that we must meet before action happens. This God chose you and I before we had a chance to know that He existed. God not only chose us as special friends, he prepared a gift and place for us that defies description. God continues to actively work for our happiness; real acts with real results! He does promise results because his nature is to always give us the choice to accept. Look out; God delivers!