Often the questions posed in the course of our journeys present themselves as ones where no answer is required or even wanted. I asked God to deal with the self-god within yet I do not believe or even want an answer. I seek answers to the problems of life and then argue when Life shows me clearly gives me a response. I demand solutions when all I really am looking for is the status quo.
As life continues and questions multiply the contrast is vivid. “The poor speak in soft supplications; the rich bark out answers.” (Proverbs 18.24) Who has a better grasp of reality? Who realizes the real issues in life? Who is seeking the very things that they have said by their words to already have in their back pockets?
Real questions demand real answers. People struggling with heartache and pain are facing real questions. People facing a demanding landlord know the face of fear and uncertainty. A refrigerator that is empty more than it is full speaks of a struggle where conversations occur in the quietness of real dialogue. When one is pushed to the limit, and know it, things change. How can one be arrogant when life is held by a tenuous thread? Is it possible to present a strong fa?ade when everything hurts? Is there any advantage to barking out answers to the masses when you know the reality of waking up without a prospect of doing anything to pay for the rent?
It would appear that each of us face dilemmas that will overwhelm the strongest, most discipline, and wealthy among us at some point in time. There is no escape. Everyone, regardless of standing, status, or inner strength is vulnerable. We will, at some point in time, face real questions that our souls thirst to have answered.
God gives each of us the Presence to comfort, guide, and teach; providing real answers. Traditional religion may dismiss anything that cannot be proven, yet God defies science and boundaries. God gives answers founded in experience with the Presence.