Life can be very harsh. A girl 15 years old dies at home of a heroin overdose. Children are left stranded in this world because a mob has brutally murdered their parents and siblings in front of them because they call God by a different name. AIDS continues to tragically shape the lives of whole generations of children who will never experience their mother’s hug, their father’s touch, or the joy of playing and eating as a family. This is reality today.
Less talked about is the way that adults behave towards each other and the toll that this extracts. Brutal violence is the only way many people can find to express their frustration and anger. Deceit on all levels, to the government, with each other, and in the quietness of our hearts is more common than not. And “the wicked takes bribes under the table; they show nothing but contempt for justice.” (Proverbs 17.23)
This is reality today, or is it?
What we often forget is that today’s reality has played itself out in variations of colors and moods for centuries. Our lament often starts and begins here. Life is unfair, unjust, and painful to those who face the daunting challenge of surviving yet another 24 hours.
These facts are true but there is more to the picture. Life is also beautiful, wonderful, and mysterious. Many have the opportunity to experience a hug, smile, and embrace and in turn share it with those around them. Each has a God who loves them as unique individuals with special gifts, talents, and ways of making the world a better place. Nature gives back as much as it takes to everyone in equal measure.
This is also reality.
Life is painful yet it is in the pain that I experience and know mercy, compassion, and grace. God offers you and me a complete picture of what constitutes living. We do not need to go through our journeys blind; we can travel with eyes wide open to the opportunity of recreation and full living. Reality is living and sharing.