Life throws twists and turns. Just when one thinks s/he has a grip, something comes along. For most of my life I have categorized these events. I was certain I was able to judge their value. Celebration was good. Pain was bad. As events have played out in my life, from a brain tumor to trying new food, I know my reaction is never the last. God has a way of using whatever comes our way to help us grow.
There are question that haunts me. Am I willing to be still and listen to the story? Will I let Life lead, even if I do not understand? Am I willing to examine my heart and take the tough decisions?
I think of a dawn flooding over Mt. Hutt in New Zealand. I realize that we live in a vibrant world that is constantly talking. Life whispers, offering us hope and encourage. Experiences talk, offering lessons and opportunities to be rest and let the reflections change us from the inside out. Communities invite, giving us the opportunity to be ourselves. Freedom resides within us. Divinity calls our souls home. We have the power and ability to make a positive difference.
History reminds us that there is beauty and wonder. As easy as it is to forget, “we know that the Son of God came so we could recognize and understand the truth of God—what a gift!—and we are living in the Truth itself, in God’s Son, Jesus Christ.” (1 John 5.20) We may not always recognize this reality, but it is here.
The question then and now is what will I do with the moment at hand. Will I be real? Will I open up the possibility of more? Will I trust the outcome and merely take the step that I think needs to be taken?
The morning dawns, cold, windy, and wet. It is a gloomy day on the outside. Inside I feel a renewed sense of the possible. Today is an opportunity to realize hope, even if it difficult for a time.