I know I am in debt. No, I do not have any consumer debt. No, I do not have any housing debt or any other kind of monetary obligation. However, I am in debt, big time! The list of people that I owe is long, with several at the top holding IOUs that are beyond measure. I do not often acknowledge my gratitude, however I hope that this does not cause anyone to think that I do not know how much I value what the debt represents.
At the top of my list is a friend who has always accepted me just as I am. He was there when I needed help in times of sickness. He was there long before I knew I needed a friend. He understood and acknowledged my God purpose even before I knew God had given it to me. The list of ways that I am different for his relationship with me is endless. I actively hear God's voice, something that I cannot imagine living without but did for years. I am able to express the different ways I see the communication with God, another thing that I never knew could or would ever be possible before our friendship. He trusted me in ways I did not trust myself. My debt is enormous!
I realize there is so much more in the pile. Friends, who care unconditionally, reveal themselves in ways that allow me to see God more clearly, and give without thought of repayment. I have these relationships, allowing me to grow at my speed, cynical comments and all. Additionally, there are those friends who are vehicles of God, nurturing and supporting my journey in ways they can probably never completely imagine. I know this mountain of debt is very deep, far beyond my ability to ever compensate.
Every advisor has a standard when it comes to financial planning. Using the common theme, Paul goes one step farther. “Don't run up debts, except for the huge debt of love you owe each other.” (Romans 13.8)
I recognize my debt, thanks.