In today’s world everything seems relative. Behavior is right or wrong depending on “feelings”. Choices, even ones of a nation are made on are made on what people think should be done. Politics, expediency, and gratification all seems to take precedence over right, principles, and intelligence. I know this can sound rather cynical. It isn’t really; I see the statement as a way of describing life around us in a way that is clear, accurate, and without emotion. We live in the world we live in; it is what it is; the only question lies in our willingness to see things the way they really are.
The process can be discouraging. Executing actions one doesn’t believe it, getting caught up in emotional twisters, and dealing with the emotional stress of not being able to accomplish what is important all plays into the struggle to live and act with hope. Far too often the bad guys seem to get away with evil, the good guys are buried in the mess of life, and those struggling to do the right thing are attacked. The cascading impact of it all can lead one to wonder if things will ever change or get better.
During a moment of reflection and struggle John’s description of the future caught my heart and mind. “Using the standard measure, the Angel measured…” (Revelation 21.17) The good news is that there are standards, principles, and frameworks that stand even with people around us want us to believe that they don’t exist! The awesome news is that in the end the good guys win! Things are not relative, they are real and clear.
It may not seem like it could possibly be true but the facts are that compassion, mercy, and love will win over greed, arrogance, and ignorance! It may not happen today or tomorrow, but in the end the victory will be extra sweet. The challenge between now and then is simple; what to do? The answer is plain. Hold on to what wins in the end. Hold on to compassion, mercy, and love.