Making a choice, weighing the odds and doing something, putting ones’ rear-end out on the line, is risky! In some form, each of us takes that risk each day, whether we want to or even like the process. Life requires us to make decisions involving our self, our relationships with family, and the people we meet and work with. Many of the choices we face carry a package mixed with uncertainty and unknown. Even if one is a disciplined decision maker, our fears, uncertainties, and doubts always come with us in the process of choosing a direction. Reducing the risks is a big part of making choices; do I know what is required, do I understand what the outcome will be, do I feel this is a step I must take, and do I really have a choice? These and more are questions requiring answers!
What are my requirements in life as I take each step? Do I think and feel that I am taking care of my needs as I walk through each day? Am I happy?
It is easy to assume that I need to do something in order to reduce the uncertainty in life. Exercising and getting in shape reduces the risk of health problems, so the logic applies to my journey; right? I assume that every choice come with a pre-requirement in the package? In order to be happy, realize my potential there are requirements that I must meet or do. God takes an opposite tack.
“Now think: Was that [Abraham’s] declaration made before or after he was marked by the covenant rite of circumcision? That’s right, before he was marked.” (Romans 4.11) Abraham went out on faith a made a decision for God. He did not follow the rules, distinguish himself, or even walk the walk, before declaring that God of Heaven was his God. Because of this choice, everything God offered came freely to him.
There are no requirements we must meet in order to come to God. God choose us, we have the choice in responding. I choose God.