What are the limits of one’s trust? Is it a factor of time and waiting? Is it one of action or the lack of action? Or is it the sum of many things that lead one to know within one’s heart that one trusts or does not trust?
As a warning to each reader, I do not know what the answer is or should be for anyone other than for myself. Even for myself, I am still coming to terms with what I increasingly see true by my reaction to life and the actions that follow.
Increasingly I realize that trust is something I know. I may not understand how or why I have reached the conclusion I have, but I know when “it” is within me. I may not fully understand “trust”, however the existence of trust within me influences how I see and react to individuals and situations.
To act on trust is not always easy. In my experience, it taking trust-filled actions often demands courageous resolve. When I deviates from the trust equations in my life, it feels as if I am shredding the fabric of what makes me who and what I am.
Trust played out in Life can extract everything from an individual. I recently discovered I had reached a deep valley from which I could see no light. In the depths of the valley I entered in trust, I had nothing within me that gave me the insight or courage to take another step. I had reached the end of a road.
Trust is best lived with in the presence of more trust. When trusting seems to be fragile or absent, life reminds me that I should trust in the help of others to take positive action. Faith in others, even in trust itself, is required as the psalmist reminds me; “I’m going to do what you tell me to do; don’t ever walk off and leave me.” (Psalm 119.8)
The reality of trust does not mean that success is guaranteed. Each step is a fresh choice, a new opportunity.