Knowing what one wants in life makes everything easier. Gone is the conflict that comes with weighing the outcome of a decision given two different goals. Perhaps this simple statement really means that the conflict may not be totally gone, however, it will at least be significantly easier. So goes the simple clich?s of our age.
In my own pursuit of happiness, I find something quite different. Life never quite gives us what we expect. Problems are often surprises waiting at every corner. Knowing what one wants in life does not mean that one will get it. Wanting, knowing, and desiring are very different; they also often exist together in our minds driving us to make decisions that conflict with the priority of yesterday or tomorrow.
Another way to look at the challenge of knowing where one is going is to look at why type of reward you want to receive. Is money your only reward? Is happiness everything that you look for? What do you expect to come with your reward? Does peace always come with your reward? Is good health or long life (not necessarily things that go together) a requirement?
I thought when I was young that my goal would bring several key results. Now that I have far more than I ever dreamed, I am a bit wiser. I really thought I wanted “x”, but when I got “x” and then realized that “y” did not come with it I reset my goals. The process does not have to be complicated. The key lies in understanding the link, or lack of, between our goals and the rewards that we really seek.
God offers you and I specific rewards. He suggests at the same time that you leave the goal up to Him. Interesting; I get to skip the problem that comes with achieving something and being dissatisfied and go straight to desert. Take a good look at God’s Wisdom; “with one hand she gives long life, with the other she confers recognition.” (Proverbs 3.16) Great rewards and there is more to come!