I have never been on the invitation to a Celebrity event. It is extremely unlikely that my name will ever grace one of the invitations that go with an “A” list event! If I was blunt, it is clear that the experts drawing up the list would put my name with the riff raff. I don’t feel bad about this, it is just reality. On some list I am not there. I don’t make the “A” list, the “B” list, or even the “C” list; I’m not on any list associated with being a celebrity and for me that is just fine!
How we see ourselves often shapes the amount of hope in our lives. When we are accepted, nurtured, and part of something life is full of hope. As we struggle for acceptance, face judgment, and wonder if we are going to part of the team, life takes on storm clouds full of pain, frustration, anger, stress, and despair. This shouldn’t be unusual except that it is far too easy to feel like we are on the outside with God. It is as if we are God’s riff raff. God couldn’t possibly care about us. God probably cannot even see us, especially since there is nothing that we bring to the party. Ever receive a personal invitation from Divinity? Are you kidding? Never, not even once in your lifetime will this happen.
We can be so wrong. God’s definition of riff raff is very clear and we ignore it most of the time. Note the last six words that sums up those who should fear being on the outs. “But outside for good are the filthy curs: sorcerers, fornicators, murderers, idolaters—all who love and live lies.” (Revelation 22.15)
God has invited all to the party. You have to choose not to come and that isn’t easy because the Spirit is always checking with you to see if a “negative” decision is the one you really want to make. But, if you love and live lies, then you qualify for being true riff raff!