So many things in our life are out of alignment. Values are pulled in all directions. Things are happening to us and around us that are unfair, unjust, and impossible to manage. People that represent us betray our trust more often than affirm. Those we rely on fail more often that we realize they succeed. Even those we look to for leadership and guidance find themselves expressing their humanness at the worst possible times. Is there anyone or anything that we can trust?
Included in this list has to be God. In times of crisis God appears to be silent. In times of destruction God appears to be doing nothing. In times of hatred God seems to totally disappear. Where is God when we need Divinity?
The harsh reality is that often we are looking for God in places where we are never going to find Divinity. We search for a god of our own making. We construct gods within our hearts and call them supreme. Our egos and arrogance define what is possible, life’s rights and wrongs, as well as our future. The only doubt about what is going to happen is in our minds, everyone else knows that destruction is just around the corner!
God does exist. God is there when you and I need Divinity. The Spirit can and will guide us, dealing with the junk in life, dispensing compassion freely, and shaping the details into perfect symmetry. John previously testified to this and at one point he shifts to talk about God’s obsession with detail. “The Angel speaking with me had a gold measuring stick to measure the City, its gates, and its wall. The City was laid out in a perfect square.” (Revelation 21.15)
God cares passionately about the details of our lives. Symmetry is always a part of God’s solution. Beauty, compassion, and love are always part of God’s answer. There are many things in life that are wrong; God is not one of them! As we seek God we find that he is already standing, doors open, waiting, ready.