People play all kinds of roles in the interaction others have with life and the people around them. Some assume a leadership role while others fill emotional and support roles. In the midst there are the enablers. Enables encourage and support (knowingly or innocently) a particular behavior or process. The term is often used as a negative; suggesting enablers make it easier for a negative or destructive pattern of behavior to continue. There are other types.
For example, in the midst of series of office pranks I am enabling the antics to continue. I don’t know that I have a side I want to win, but I enjoy the surprise of it all. Others examples can be found in walking the streets of the city. An audience enables a street performer to continue future performances. Dependants can be seen to nurture and support relationships which dominate their lives. Enthusiasm, verbal and emotional, encourages the birth of new ideas, often enabling them to take on a life of their own. The bigger the community the more likely enablers will have a major role.
Some would suggest that enablers are innocents participating in the flow of history. I see it quite differently. Enablers are a type of catalyst. Instead of being focus on accelerating processing and change, enablers are simply relentless about the end result. Enablers want the behavior to continue. Enablers feed on the interaction along the way.
You see this played out at the end of the trials of Jesus. Pilate wants to continue as Roman governor. He believes he needs popular support. He acts as if he is has no idea of where popular opinion will take the process. As he “went back out again and said to them, ‘I [will] present him to you, but I want you to know that I do not find him guilty of any crime.’” (John 19.4) It was as if nothing would happen. It could, it did, and he knew it.
You and I will enable today. “What” we enable will come from our choices, actions, and decisions.
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