In our age of choice, roles are mix as never before. For many, cultural norms are becoming mythical and legendary. Everything that was is under examination. Everything is under consideration.
As I ride New York’s subways, listening to conversations in all kinds of settings, I find myself musing with others on the confusion of the day. Does one follow the paths and expectations of their parents (traditions) or create a new path? Will the hot opportunities of the day still be viable tomorrow? How will others see me if I take a particular path? Will I earn the respect I deserve? Will others look at me in the context of honor? Will I be successful? For the latter, what does this really mean in today’s context?
Life is confusing and getting more so. Living in the same community as one grew up in is increasingly unusual. Accepting yesterday’s values is even rarer. Everything is changing, often at a pace that leaves the older generation standing in their places wondering what life is coming to. Even those involved and driving the process are struggling to retain their senses during and after the experience.
When I see someone focused on their role in life, I find myself refilled with hope and energy. It is as if knowing the God given truth of one’s place in life comes with passion, energy, and power. It is truly incredible! It is a vision filled with the wonder of a sunset, beauty found only in the eyes of a young child, and awe that one feels in the embrace of someone that loves you unconditionally.
For me, I have found that in my God. I know God’s role in my life. When I hear the Divinity’s whisper, I know I am sitting at the feet of my mentor. “The Master, God, sends me and his Spirit with this Message from God, your Redeemer, The Holy of Israel: ‘I am God, your God, who teaches you how to live right and well. I show you what to do, where to go.’” (Isaiah 48.17)
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