The glass dome on the table was, I thought, predictable. I ignored it under the assumption that it was providing a safe display of flowers and fauna that were from another land and reality. To my surprise, when I looked more closely, I found symbols of an oasis of safety. It reflected the heart of how I know I am safe in the Emirates.
A new day dawns with a warm sun, dusty skies, and no sign of the storm of the last few days. With the police and safety crews working overtime, the danger from the wind and areas of flooding has now passed with limited loss of human life. With the scale of the storm exceeding anyone’s imagination, I find myself reconsidering the role each of us can play in a time of need.
Life can be overwhelming, even when one thinks s/he is prepared. I thought I knew what had happened. I ventured out and discovered a larger reality, and more severe than anything I imagined. As I consider life events, the passing of a loved one, events that overwhelm our senses and emotions, and outcomes beyond our control remind me that I am not prepared for what is coming. Life reminds me to look beyond myself for strength and resilience. It is in embracing what others have done for me that I can face the unknown.
The contributions of others, including Divinity, changes everything. We are stronger as our diversity becomes collaboration and relationship. Faith, in all its forms, is a game changer. One writer described it this way; “All of our praise rises to the One who is strong enough to make you strong, exactly as preached in Jesus Christ, precisely as revealed in the mystery kept secret for so long.” (Romans 16.25). Other faith systems have a similar story. Our strengths are defined by using our differences to give us the ability to see more. In the refined picture that follows, including each other and with Divinity, we hold an opportunity to safely grow in strength.
Engaged care changes everything.