Watching the dhows race just offshore was a treat. With tactics on full display, good techniques repeated themselves again and again. The model for success was emerging, with some boats picking up the details better than others. With winds, currents, swells rolling in, and water coming over the bow, the opportunity to seize the moment is always here, if only one can see it.
I watched, wondering what I would do on the board if I were the lead. I am still not sure. While I relish the challenge, my uncertainties would dominate. I imagine scolding myself, something about paying more attention to my instructors when I had the chance. I would wonder aloud about my abilities, even as I did my best.
The same questions remain. The difference is that I know I am on point. There will be changes ahead that I cannot see. Things that are in motion will come into play. Challenges and uncertainties are on my left, right, and in front. As much as I wish I could duck and let it pass, I am accountable and responsible for each step and every decision. As I wrestle with this, I can visualise the boats on the water. I am the captain of my ship; the choices are mine to make and learn from.
Divinity has gifted us with examples and experiences to rely on.
I know I may not see everyone with complete clarity, yet there are repeating models that help me see the opportunity in the moment. Yesterday was all about evolving old-school models. Today, I find myself looking at the contemporary version of the same. Both are in my mirrors, giving me confidence. I see a writer’s notes unpacking the links: “It’s the same with Jesus. He was crucified outside the city gates – that is where he poured out the sacrificial blood that was brought to God’s altar to cleanse his people.” (Hebrews 13.12). Divinity has done her work. I stand cleansed and ready to step forward.
Today is about putting compassion, kindness, and care into action.