What is the perfect scenario for today? Can you imagine what might happen, where things could take you? Sure the weather comes into play, but the real story lies within your heart. Could this be the day for something special? Will now be the time? Is this the moment?
I have no idea what today will bring. Yesterday I thought I had it all figured out, only to discover unknowns and uncertainties lurking at every corner. While everything was bright my body demanded sleep. As the weather turned warm I still felt as if it was cold. Even as I walked and explored the streets of the city I found myself seeing things through very different eyes. In the end I had no idea what was going to happen next.
Embedded in my ideas for the day was the simple notion of discovering more about Hong Kong and the people who make this area home. By the end of the day a single moment captured my heart. I was walking along, camera in hand, taking shots of marques and shops. I’m not sure what I was trying to capture, but the process allowed me to experience the city in a unique way. A voice interrupted my focus.
“Would you take our picture?”
I turned, startled. “Sure.”
“We are confident you can handle this,” as he handed me a simple point and shoot digital camera.
The young couple was clearly in love, enjoying the moment, and filled with hope for the future. Even as I counted down I knew I would always remember this moment as one filled with peace, compassion, and a sense of relationship.
Scenarios are embedded in your expectation and mine. Sometimes they play out in dark and destructive ways. Just one act can set up the scene; “Judas, with the piece of bread, left. It was night.” (John 13.30) What happens next is the stuff of history. You and I have the opportunity to realize our dreams. The windows occur in each moment. Today is another potentially great scenario. What is in yours?
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