For those unaware, today is day six of National Sauna Celebration Week. In celebrating, I intentionally carved out an hour each day for a sauna. The outcome of my routine with 45 to 70 minutes in an 88o C (190o F) Finnish Sauna room includes intense self-reflections, a body feeling alive, and refreshed memories of how saunas continue to inform and shape my view of life.
Life’s influence and experiences have sculped me in ways I often do not see. This week’s sauna with its intense heat, quiet stillness, and soft light, has opened a door to look and consider the broader story of how I came to be the person I am. The story is more than intentional choices. It includes unconscious reactions, the views and beliefs emerging from the journey and experiences, as well as my reactions to the external drivers and influences along the way.
I am not the first to recognise the way life is often sculptured, initial externally followed by a combination of internal and external realities. As I consider Paul’s description of Christ, “His descent from David roots him in history; his unique identity as Son of God was shown by the Spirit when Jesus was raised from the dead, setting him apart as the Messiah, our Master” (Romans 1.4), I find myself wanting to write my own.
I do not think my details are the lesson. Today’s lesson includes the following.
Thankful recognition of the way Life, Individuals, and even Experience are Divinity’s way of reaching out and touching my life. I do not always recognise this in the moment. With a specific callout for a reminder recently of how important it is for me to embrace “pause breaks”, I have a renewed interest in recognising and expressing my appreciation in the moment.
Refreshed motivation to listen and action my unique lessons. I feel called to more than awareness and understanding. Action leading to depth and growth is a personal imperative.
Remaining open and ready for moulding. Life can always be better than it is. Welcome to Divine freedom.