When life gets overwhelming, work, personal, or anything in between, I often go looking for help. I recently caught myself searching. Admittedly, I should have been looking much earlier! As I reviewed the situation, the warning signs were there from the beginning. When I finally began to search, it was a painfully intense process. I needed help, yesterday. I was looking for what I did not have. The pressure was continuing to build. I knew I needed more than what I had.
I got lucky! Early in my search I found someone that could help. The additional benefit was one of trust. He had it unconditionally from me. As I reflected on my search patterns, I found a thread I had not recognized before. Although I thought I understood my search criteria, I realized that there was no explicit relationship between my crisis need and the initial individuals I looked to for help. Unrecognized until much later, I had started my search with two criteria in mind – trust and character. Once I had a smaller circle that I was searching within, I went looking for specific abilities and strengths.
On more reflection, I realized that my search pattern was similar to the one I see God using daily. The God speakers I know are not the best speakers, presenters, or even leaders. Many are weak, frail, and filled with personality gaps. I know this however the power of their messages and insights are not diminished. If anything, the divine insights they share are even more powerful than those who deliver the words perfectly. The difference is highlighted in an old observation that still plays true; “the wicked are moral weaklings but the righteous are God-strong.” (Psalm 37.17)
I start today with two truths echoing in my mind. I need help! I can start with God and God ambassadors, looking to work with others. I want to ask them for help. I can empower them to hold me accountable.
Being strong is never about putting on external armor. Being strong starts and ends with one’s heart.