I look around and see Command and Control alive and well. Reality does not seem to be a situation where everyone automatically believes in C&C. Quite the contrary; academics, consultants, and thought leaders often talk about alternative forms of leadership and change realization. There are options. For as many different ways of looking at this, I find the examples set by mothers of all generations to be the most compelling. Servant engagement is at the heart of true leadership, change, and ultimately growth. There is no other relationship model that has consistently proven itself over time.
When one evaluates ways of engaging with others, it is important to measure the viability and success of each model by how they have played out over different generations, cultures, and situations. The most profound model is that of a mother in relationships with her children as well as those that influence, interact, and potentially harm. The model has, at its heart servant leadership. Even beyond leadership, it is a way of engaging that is strong while nurturing, protecting yet ultimately freeing, and annoyingly engaged yet always loyal.
Mothers are not the original source. It is a model straight from God. It is with experiential authority that God says, “Kings will be your babysitters, princesses will be your nursemaids. They'll offer to do all your drudge work—scrub your floors, do your laundry. You'll know then that I am God. No one who hopes in me ever regrets it.” (Isaiah 49.23) There is no hierarchy, there is only family. There are no kings and queens, there are simply brothers and sisters, young and elders.
The past few months have given me a fresh appreciation for the priceless value of family and the roles mothers play. Regardless of the form, shape, and structure of the family your find yourself in, taking a fresh look at the potential of the models mothers embrace is always a good thing.
Today I will step out in faithful trust of the goodness within those around me. I will act with engaged and patient compassion.
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