Trust is a moving target. There are few people that I absolutely, unconditionally, and without reservation trust. Most friends and colleagues fall into the category of trust where I do trust as long as I also have long pauses to wonder, question, probe, ask about their motive, and understand their personal benefit. There are rare moments where I jump when asked, respond when questioned, and do as suggested without reservation and query. I do wonder, even in these situations!
In the world of corporate politics, I try to determine if I am in a position where I am being setup. The circumstances that I did not anticipate coming from a single decision or action are just too strong, coincidental, and risky. Is someone luring me into a trap? Is someone trying to eliminate me from an equation? Am I being setup? The reputations of several precede them. Their motives are clearly destructive, their aims always involve feet on my prostrate body, and every word appears poisoned tipped. In these cases I know I am being positioned for the kill, it is just a matter of when, where.
Walking in trust with God brings almost unlimited unknowns. I do not understand my future, where am I going? How will I get there? What is going to happen to my kids in the future? How should I respond to the tough realities of life? If God is really in charge am I just a pawn in his setup?
I find myself wanting to object and protest my innocence. “So how can God blame us for anything since he's in charge of everything? If the big decisions are already made, what say do we have in it?” (Romans 9.20) Ironically my fear is just fear planted by the enemy.
God does not blame me for anything. Humanity walked away and God willingly paid the price on our behalf. God offers us the free gift of restoration, mercy, love, and acceptance – however we always have the final say about our future. We are setup, setup for glory and life!