Everything was falling into place. The trip to the Singtel office was quick and efficient. While I have come to expect this in Singapore, I always find that I anticipate that the mold is never constant.
Today, things were working well. The service representative was helpful. Her informative style quietly gave me confidence in my choices. She had brochures that were clear and concise. Her awareness of special promotions filled in for my lack of research. She had information, perspective, and recommendations.
As the process unfolded, I was amazed! The company had changed. The fresh new style was customer friendly. The staffing levels were high enough that customers did not have to wait long. Everything was bright. The models and packages were very clear. It was clear that someone had invested time and energy in getting things right.
As I signed my paperwork, I was confident that everything was on a new foundation.
At times, everything seems to be in the right place. The same set-up has happened across time. The setting is good. People are in their place. Processes organized. In another story, a writer notes that they “were meeting in a well-lighted upper room. A young man named Eutychus was sitting in an open window.” (Acts 20.8) One might assume that things were going to work, as did I on my visit to Singtel, but time needed to unfold.
My second visit was very different. The setting was familiar – bright displays, smiling staff, and people everywhere. The outcome this day was different. It seems that I had not paid full attention to my paperwork. The phone that I thought I had ordered was not. The package I thought I had purchased did not work with my Mac’s new operating system.
As I discussed the situation with a manager, I knew that frustration was winning. Whatever discipline and control I thought was inside had left on holiday. A momentary lapse in verifying the paperwork weeks ago was playing out in an ugly way. I needed to do my homework. Choices remain unmade.