A good friend moved 8 time zones away. We have been in the same town for the last five years, so the shift has been dramatic. I always knew I could count on him. Wherever I was, he was the person who I could reach out to when I needed a ride home, some advice, or just someone to be there when I had no idea what I should do. While his move makes sense in the larger scheme of things, it is a loss for me.
In the days, weeks, and now months since the move, I have slowly become accustomed to the change. Recently I realized that we are using virtual ways of staying in touch on the small things. If either of us is watching our team in English football, there is a whatsapp conversation on our reactions and armchair managing. If we are stuck, a quick note to the other puts the conundrum on the table for discussion. Short updates keep the other in the know on travel and developments in our lives. If I had to summarize where things are, I would use the words out of a Psalm; “I’m still in your presence, but you’ve taken my hand.” (Psalm 73.23)
As I reflect on the change and our mutual reaction to it, I find myself thinking of how Life and Divinity try to stay connected with my heart and soul. There are times where I am anywhere but the present. In these moments, Life likes to remind me of what is going on at the center. A surprising moment of beauty, act of kindness, or tangible example of compassion action always grabs my attention. When I am struggling with a wave of darkness and uncertainty, Divinity touches my heart through someone around me. A call, question, or even a whatsapp message can hook one’s self and pull it into a place of hope.
I miss our times of hanging out, sharing a meal, and talking about life. The shift is real, as is the Presence that is always with me.