“God’s plan for the world stands up, all his designs are made to last.” Psalm 33.11
There is a frustration common to all human beings. We know our destination, so we plan and scheme on how we can get there. It does not seem to matter how much analysis, time, and energy we put into the effort the plan usually doesn’t last long. Things change!
Imagine designing a complex plan that stood the test of time. Your confidence soaring, your energy and focus freed to be creative. Life would be wonderful. I cannot imagine how one could design this type of plan.
Plans for me change daily and frequently by the minute. Plans need to change because of differences in people actions. Plans need to change because of new priorities. Plans need to change because flaws in our logic are now clearly apparent. Plans change because we are human.
God’s plan for the world, for you, for me never changes. It is the same yesterday, today, and it will be the same tomorrow. God’s plan has already stood the test of time, the power and beauty of the plan written in history and current events for all to see, know, test, and experience. God’s plan is simple, straightforward, and for many unbelievable.
There is a link between unbelief in God’s plan and our own changing plans. The link lies in the one constant, you and me. I see it clearly in my own life.
I am angry, which causes a change in me, causing a change in the plans made. I am not satisfied, and so my plans become a quest to know and discover this gap. I need acceptance, purpose, love, and god. Even when I do not make this my plan, my plans change to focus on my needs. I am self-centered. My plans keep changing as I try to cover my own failings.
There is a way to find solid ground, a consistent plan. Toss mine away and hold onto God’s plan. The good news is that this is His plan too!