I have a recurring dream where I am out on the ocean in a 30-foot pull-boat. There are plenty of provisions. The boat has the minimal amount of navigational aides and two options to rig a sail. There is an angel/genie sitting on the bow ready to grant me a single answer to a specific question.
“Who do you want to join you on this boat as shipmates?”
It is an interesting question. The reason I am on the boat is not clear. I do not seem to be in distress. I sense there is a purpose to being in this time and place. There is a mission, although I am not aware of the details. The question always lingers, unanswered. Each time I go to answer, my mind struggles over my reasoning. The dream always ends as the conundrum continues to play out.
In the full light of a new day, I find myself asking the question again. Who do I want as a shipmate? The priority lists comes from three criteria.
Whoever is here wants to be here. Life is for living. Being around people that are committed, interested, and passionate about living is always good. Shipmates should choose to be part of something. Being forced or coerced is not the answer.
People that care for each other. You can state this negatively or positively. In negative, “God [I] does care when you use your freedom carelessly in a way that leads a fellow believer still vulnerable to those old associations to be thrown off track.” (1 Corinthians 8.9) I am looking for someone that cares about her/his community.
Actions and results are often associated with the individuals. Each individual is proactively willing to work. S/he wants to make a difference. If something needs to be done, the individuals in this group reach out to take it on without the need to be asked or recognized.
As I close my eyes, I know the voyage will be hard. It will also be fun and rewarding. I am glad to be part of this crew.