The discussion turned to what our clients think of us.
“The world is not perfect.”
“It looks good from our view. Our clients are telling us that we are B+ or better!”
“Not all of your clients think that way.”
“Sure they do. They have nothing but positive things to say about us. Plus, our customer surveys tell us we are good to very good.”
“Are you sure you are listening? There are some, starting with a vocal minority, that are very unhappy.”
“It cannot be. If it was, we would have heard it.”
I listened and wondered. I had witnessed a conversation just days before where two frustrated customers had vocalized their negative views in a room full of people. Which part of the conversation did they miss? The conversation was candid and clear.
“I do not trust you.” The words that followed explained why.
In truth, people say things all the time. On one side, “Bilious and bloated, they gas, ‘God is gone.’ Their words are poison gas, fouling the air; they poison rivers and skies; thistles are their cash crop.” (Psalm 14.1) On the other side, one listens to a conversation that is opposite.
Which is true? How does one know how to tell the difference between right and wrong?
I remind myself of the following mantras.
There is value in a community that is seeking to know compassion, love, and trust. Trust those who are worthy of trust.
The God of Truth is greater than self. Truth is never about an individual exploiting another. Truth cannot be found when one wins at the expense of the other. Truth does rest on the seeds of revenge, hatred, or violence.
Truth lifts us up to something better. We find ourselves closer to beauty, love, and wonder. We find ourselves closer to peace, hope, and a sense of belonging.
In truth there is room to grow, blossom, and make a positive difference. Truth is all around us, especially when we are willing to see, hear, and experience it. Today will bring unique opportunities; seize them.