Every sign around me tells me that I am missing something, or maybe even many things. I do not know if I can describe the feeling, but the gaps show up at work, on the train homewards, and when I am with family and friends. I can best describe the feeling as a sense of emptiness in the gut more than specific elements of daily life. A conversation with work peers, a growing sense of mystery as a reflect on life by myself, and a confusing conversation with my teenage daughter all tell me that somehow, someway I am missing something! In my daily life, the wonder about where I work is a puzzle that will not go away. Should I continue pursuing the corporate life or exchange things for a dot-com company? Life continues and the feeling that someone or something is shortchanging me continues to grow.
God keeps telling you and me something different; we are looking for something that is already happening all around is. The question is not if I am missing something, I am. The question is where should I look to find the missing piece! I keep asking God for answers on where to look and all I think I get is silence.
Is the Spirit telling me I already have the answer? Do you already have the answer to what you are missing?
You and I thirst for the knowledge that we have a God relationship and that relationship gives us a sense of purpose and fulfillment. Often life just happens and God does not seem to be around or care. As a result, we experience a sense that something is missing.
God is actively giving you and I gifts of grace every day. If we look for these we will see how much God values who and what we are. “In alert expectancy such as this, we’re never left feeling shortchanged. Quite the contrary – we can’t round up enough containers to hold everything God generously pours into our lives through the Holy Spirit!” (Romans 5.5)