A story tells the tale of a stream.
It was a quiet stream with humble origins in a long forgotten spring hidden on a hill that few people traveled to any more. It wasn’t that the spring or even the hill had lost their uniqueness or shapes or even the setting that made them special in olden days. The lack of visitors merely seemed to reflect the excitement people often feel about all things new. There were places to go, people to see! Anyways, the present and the past would soon to be together. So the question that everyone had answered was obvious. Why spend any time on either the past or the present?
The spring that gave birth to the stream did not seem to notice the quietness that came to dominate the days. It was as it there was nothing that could deter the spring from its mission of continuing to pass on the very water to which the earth provided. It was the same for the stream. The connection with the spring gave it strength no matter what else graced its shore.
Far down the path developments began to come. Some good, some bad, all providing employment and opportunities for those involved. Rarely did anyone notice the link with the stream. The steam itself carried on, fully aware of stuff added to its load, but focused as always on the journey still to be traveled. From the spring to the stream to whatever it was they shared the lane, it was clear that they would touch far more than originally planned.
In time those blessed by the stream noticed that troubles and pain were all that remained. The answer was clear as to who was to blame.
This simple story has no ending as yet; for you and I are still in control. Perhaps a trip to the spring of old will give us an insight on what can be told.
“Everything was created through him; nothing—not one thing!—came into being without him.” (John 1.3)