I love seasons. The ebb and flow, the cycle of life from birth, growth, and fading into the fall, along with the simple contrast nurtures my soul. It’s refreshing! Having said this, I always find myself missing one season in the midst of another. I love being cold in the middle of the summer. I look forward to baking in the heart of winter. In every season I find myself focusing on spring with the fresh awareness of birth and hope.
The irony with my fascination and experience is how little I bring to the process. I just need to be. Nothing else is required. An open mind helps, but the seasons, wonder, and beauty of it all proceeds regardless. One way this was described in days of old was simple that “God will provide rain for the seeds you sow. The grain that grows will be abundant. Your cattle will range far and wide. Oblivious to war and earthquake, the oxen and donkeys you use for hauling and plowing will be fed well near running brooks that flow freely from mountains and hills.” (Isaiah 30.23-25)
In a way the reminder brings me back to the assignment you and I have from God today. We are assigned the job of living. I’m not talking of a whimsical, flaky, or casual approach. Our jobs are to live – big, full, and expectant! We face the challenge of getting the most out of life. We hold the opportunity to reach out, stretch, and take advantage of every window to experience the best life offers.
Our assignment takes me back to the seasons. In a way we can experience spring in our lives every morning. We are born fresh, we have the opportunity to grow, and a summer awaits. We don’t have to worry about the process, God is going to take care of Divinity’s side. You and I need to engage – fully, completely, and without reservation. You and I should built everything on a foundation compassion, mercy, and community. We are on the verge of something big…if we want.
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