It is tough when you can see what someone else cannot. The difficulty is not about being perfect or better. At any given moment, I can see something that another is not able to see. This is a many to many relationship. Many are able to see, often just a snippet. Many can see clearly yet there is always more. In that moment, what is the sentiment that opens a door to a greater conversation? Is it brute force? Is it greater knowledge? Or is it something else?
A friend gave me a gift of insight. It was a small thing, yet it was a view that I do not think I would have ever seen on my own. Once the gift was in my mind, it blossomed into a impacting moment.
As I look back at how this individual was able to present me this gift, I find three attributes I would do well to remember.
The insight came from someone that I trust. He had earned the right to be on the inside of my life. In good times and bad, in moments of agreement and something quite different, he had demonstrated to me that trust was at the center of our relationship.
The view was given not imposed. He offered me the insight and then let it go. He made no representations on its usefulness. He did not provide a guarantee that it was accurate. He made an observation and left it to me for my use if it was useful.
The motive was obvious. He was clear in why he was making the observation. In summary, his words were “I want you to live as free of complications as possible.” (1 Corinthians 7.32)
Life is difficult. Life is also confusing. I know I need all the help I can get. I also know that I have something to offer to those around me. Often I do know how to accept or to give. This example helps me with both. It is never a one shot event. It is part of a journey.