As one arrives at the building’s entrance, s/he will be greeted by an artist’s expression of a horse standing tall in all its glory. It is impressive! The contemporary expression took me to different experiences of horses standing tall – London, New York, Barcelona- the scenes seemed to go on without end. As I stopped and considered my emotional response to the art, I listened to life’s whispers, sharing lessons I can use today.
There is a moment in every day when I realise that I am an adult. It is more than moving beyond childhood. It is a realisation of growth, the depth and scope of making a difference and contributing to the broader story. In these moments, I feel like I hear the echo, “Having arrived at the full stature of his maturity and having been announced by God as high priest in the order of Melchizedek,” (Hebrews 5.9) and see myself as Divinity sees me – perfect, ready, and able to live with accountability and responsibility.
There is fun in maturity. It includes the silly games we played as children—seven-tiles and gilli-danda come to mind—along with the laughter and joy that is a part of today’s relationships. The fact that the horse is prancing takes me to the excitement I feel when I experience project collaboration, a shared meal, or a conversation that takes me beyond my imagination. Life is shaped by joy and happiness. It is fuelled by kindness and care. The horse reminds me that it is not about the end of the race. Life is found in being in the race, squarely facing the challenges, waging battle in the arena, and caring to make a difference. Life includes laughter and tears, celebration and times of remembering.
Life never stands still. It is in the moment, in silence and words, in stillness and action, that I step forward. Even when I avoid doing something, life continues. The horse greeted us with pride. It is an example and calling. I can be part of the team of horses for Divinity’s chariot.