I look and I see old money versus new money, blue blood and support staff, those who have and those who want to be. It is easy to comment on reality; those born with a silver spoon never seem to value what they have, some who struggle seem to make it for reasons they do not understand, while there is another group who appear destined to struggle throughout their days. The facts quickly come to the surface – people who appear to have it all still search to see God, want to understand where they stand in this life, and seek to know their purpose and the meaning of life. The failure of their quests is seen in the lost children to drugs, broken relationships, and the ultimate price, suicide
I wonder how I stand in the eyes of others. I suppose it should not really matter, but I cannot seem to help myself! Does it matter that I do not have the income of my neighbors? Am I less of a person because I wash my car instead of taking it to the car wash? Is there something that makes us special, something that we do not understand and often do not realize we have?
There seems to be spiritual elite as well. You know the type; born into a family who goes to church every week, never expressed a doubt about God or where their lives were headed, know all the hymns, and can recite scripture on virtually every occasion. I do not believe that anything I just mentioned is bad, I just wonder if the elite works with an advantage?
When I look beneath the status I find that everyone continues to fail. It is important to that we “don't suppose for a moment though, that God's Word has malfunctioned in some way or other. The problem goes back a long way. From the outset, not all Israelites [spiritual elite] of the flesh were Israelites of the spirit.” (Romans 9.6,7)
You see, it is not about being elite – it is all about knowing Jesus.