It was a fun photoshoot. The two photographers were relaxed and engaged. The studio was amazing. Our team was relaxed and supportive. The shoot was a great way to spend an afternoon, from formal to casual, sitting to walking. With music, refreshments, and banter, it felt like the set would capture the best of everyone.
As the day progressed, our attire evolved from suits to jeans and T-shirts, while a pile of shoes where things hung began to grow. The shoes captured the extremes of comfort, uncertainty, confidence, and a childlike desire to do what was asked in front of the lens. Certain settings were easier for me. Others were, for me, the metaphoric equivalent of high heels, where it was hard to stay steady, eyes focused, and natural.
In the uncertainty, I could hear Life reminding me of the guides I could lean on in the photographic moment and again as I look forward to today.
In any given moment, standing steady comes from what is within, combined with the support we have without. I am reminded that my uncertainties and difficulties in focusing on my values and priorities create an uncertainty that is not my friend. My foundation to be steady in the moment starts with recentring myself in a place where I am unconditionally loved and embraced. Everything around me changes as I experience being grounded in care and kindness, in forgiveness and acceptance. The natural outcomes of being in this space are hope, courage, and resolve.
When I recognise where I stand with Divinity, I hear the calling to be in this moment with others. In opening myself up to sharing what I have, my foundation expands. In a community of acceptance, respect, and compassion, my confidence in standing tall and steady grows. The old reminder endlessly repeats, “If we can only keep our grip on the sure thing we started out with, we’re in this with Christ for the long haul.” (Hebrews 3.14)
As the pictures emerged, I could see the community at work. With this experience, I hear today’s call.