Foundations are often unseen. We have them in our thinking, the way we approach activities, and in our buildings. While the latter are often recognized, the framework that we see life through and the stance we approach action are often taken for granted.
I am reminded that twisted thinking begins with a false premise. Faults are easy to identify when an individuals starts their athletic move from weak stance. Getting the foundation right is the key. “With that as a base to work from, common sense can take you the rest of the way.” (1 Corinthians 10.25)
The foundation to any and everything is relevant. Even something as simple as a sauna comes with a reminder. Start hydrated and the experience can be enjoyable. One will sweat, reflect, and with a cold dip discover a fresh perspective on life. On the other hand, if one comes in thirsty the only outcome should expect is more thirst! One’s chances of the upside are greatly reduced. There are those that expect everything to work regardless, however that is not the way life normally unfolds.
Life reminds me that it is never as complicated as it seems. Simple ideas can provide strong foundations. Compassion, community, and collaboration make a difference in every situation. Start with them at the beginning changes the potential of what follows. One will carry a sense of purpose and intent. Without them, one naturally turns to the satisfaction of the moment. While it is temporarily helpful, it rarely results in something positive.
One might think that foundations are only useful for the young. I would suggest that useful for individuals of any age to rediscover the foundations that shape one’s life. Life is too important to be left to random events. We can be intentional. We can learn. We can grow into something more than what we are. It all begins with the foundations we have in our lives.
Today is an opportunity. I know that compassion, community, and collaboration can be at the heart of it all. They are universal steps to more.