As I look back on my workout routines of eight plus months, several points stand out. It begins with the reality that I had no idea what I was getting into. I think I understood this at the time. I intuitively knew that I needed to pay more attention to my fitness. I wanted to be fit. I was willing to put time, effort, and sweat into the process. I knew that my perspective was dated and warped with time. A fresh start was needed and welcomed.
With hindsight, it all looks good! While there is much more that I want to accomplish, I have come a long ways from where I was. Along the way I have left a lot of liquid on the gym floor and equipment. I have a deeper appreciation of how much effort is required. The additional dimensions of discipline, perseverance, and patience are very different from when I started.
One of my discoveries along the way was the reality of being pushed, challenged, and finding new limits to what was possible. On more than one occasion I went too far. It took several episodes to recognize my boundaries. My mind may think like it is in a twenty something body but the physical body is not there! Somewhere between where I was and where I am is the right place to be. Until I took the first steps, there was no chance that I would understand the right line.
Having someone with me, guiding, pushing, and giving me feedback, has been critical. I started with a premise that it was useful and a nice to have. I realize that there is nothing in life that one truly does alone. If it is real, others are involved. In this case I was pulled and pushed in ways that hurt, stretched, and ultimately helped. While it did not always feel good, my feedback is that “You wisely and tenderly lead me, and then you bless me.” (Psalm 73.24)
As I look forward, I only know one thing. The road is wide open.