Intensity often emerges when I least expect it. An unforeseen trigger releases the cap within, and in an instant, I am dealing with emotions, expressions, and forces that I struggle to control. I would love to say that my response is wrapped in righteous indignation. It is not my fault, given the injustice of the situation. I am not accountable because I was not in control of myself. Reflecting on my expressions, I realise I am accountable and responsible for my actions. In every situation, fair or not, kind or less than kind, I hold the keys to what happens next.
Looking back, I was surprised by what life was not reminding me of. There was no judgment. The only reminder was that I could have done more than I did. I thought Guilt would rise, only to find Compassion whispering in my ear about a lost opportunity. As a holistic awareness of the incident emerged, I was filled with peace. I could sense an invitation to explore with condemnation, to learn with freedom.
Intensity can come without condemnation. I hear a call to caring, intensely and without reservations. The calling is clear in what it is not and what it could be. If the goal is to move forward passionately, telling someone about their failings will not trigger a positive response that brings everything unconditionally to the moment. Intensity’s best friends are courage, support, and empathy. Intensity is positive passion put to good use for the right reasons. It is one writer’s description of Divinity’s intensity; “His voice that time shook the earth to its foundations; this time – he’s told us this quite plainly – he’ll also rock the heavens: ‘One last shaking, from top to bottom, stem to stern.’” (Hebrews 12.26)
Intensity is only complete when action follows. To be complete, intensity reveals itself as compassionate care, unconditional love, and a freely given embrace in the moment as we step forward together. What is not present is equally clear – judgment, additional punishment, and suppression.
Today, my heart, mind, and soul are all in.