18 July 2004
I often find myself, and others, playing the game of life as if there was nothing to lose. Carelessness is almost too mild of a word. We blissfully risk those we love, everything we care about, and even the principles that we define our lives with in the quest for personal satisfaction, glory, and power. I find that the possibilities in the immediate overwhelm my thoughts of the future. The balance of time coupled with the hand of patience seems to vaporize in the presence of instant satisfaction. The question of when to strike is never asked.
I find a repeating pattern in my life that I only see when I step away from the chaos of the corporate rat race. It is easy to look at decisions of yesterday and wax philosophically about the strengths, weaknesses, balance, and logic. When I begin the instant analysis of the last week, much less the last twenty-four hours, the puzzle becomes unlimited shades of gray. I doubt that it is anywhere near this complex. The questions are rather basic if I would care to remember and ask them. It is as if I need to muster a quote and put my self on notice!
“Don't crowd me. This isn't my time. It's your time—it's always your time; you have nothing to lose.” (John 7.6)
The key points that follow apply to everyone.
There are principles each holds true. Are they consistent with the choices at hand?
There are priorities that we have established with reflection and purpose. Are the things that we pursue consistent with the mission and priority of our life?
We live in a community. The principles of mercy, compassion, unconditional acceptance can be found living with Divinity, gifts of restoration and recreation, and love. Are the actions, choices, and decisions to be made consistent with this community?
The questions of the day never force one into a corner. As we live in community, holding to Divine precepts, and realizing our principles everything that happens is a strike; even our moments of being still. Ready?
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