It is not easy to ask for help. This does not change no matter how mature, educated, of aware one is. Asking for help takes courage, especially if the help comes from someone close to you. The degree of difficulties exponentially increases as it gets close to one's heart and soul. I wish I could say I found it easy. I would love to be able to share a history of being successful. Even a few examples of reaching out when I needed help the most would go a long way to giving me a false sense of security. Candidly, I do not find it any easier to ask for help now than when I was a teenager and seriously needed a lot more than I ever admitted. Things have not changed much with the decades since, except that in the darkness of the night I find myself facing and struggling with the truth.
Recently I received a letter from the wilderness, literally. I found myself reflecting on the courage found in a cry for help. I am stronger for having heard and listen to that voice. I have no excuse for no raising my hand. I know I have people around me that care for my wellbeing. I understand that I live in a community where teamwork is part of the fabric of our relationships. Yet, I often do not reach for the courage that God has put within my heart.
It does not end there. In moment of need I often turn inwards, feeling sorry for my condition. As I read the words of someone beginning a long journey, facing the unknown with a willingness to let others be part of the journey, I wondered why my heart is so often bruised into stillness. There are individuals in my life willing to hold me close. There are those willing to be God's arms of support. I am not locked into the place I often find myself in.
Today is new, “and whoever calls out for help to me, God, will be saved.” (Acts 2.21)
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