There was very little about the set-up of the three tacos dish that made sense. First, the restaurant’s location was Belgium. While the location was not a disqualifier, the theme of the restaurant was Italian. Third, the chefs were a multi-generational mix of Italian, French, Dutch, and I am not sure what else. Fourth, the tacos were vegan. Whatever the source of inspiration was, the flavours reminded me of Yucatan cooking which had been elevated into a wonderful blend of textures, tastes, and eating enjoyment.
I love chef experiments that go beyond traditional boundaries. I know they do not always work. It is the inspiration that wraps around me. It feels like I am eating and experiencing bites of inspiration! While not traditional, it is a wonderful reminder of what is possible when we work with the diversity that presents itself in the moment.
As a new day begins, so much is familiar. I could go with a normal routine. The memories of the tacos are taking me in a different direction. New ideas along with individuals I can reach out to know better are on the path ahead of me. There is an invitation to reach higher and further.
The examples gifted by others are inspirational as I look ahead. This is not the first time others have modelled what it can be like to move beyond the limits in our lives. Paul’s analysis of the new communities to believers in Jerusalem is a repeating pattern; “They were happy to do this, but it was also their duty. Seeing that they got in on all the spiritual gifts that flowed out of the Jerusalem community so generously, it is only right that they do what they can to relieve their poverty.” (Romans 15.27)
Gifts are wasted until one uses them. From Arabic pancakes to fresh sprouts, and El Salvadorian coffee beans, there are endless opportunities in the kitchen. The same can be said of the steps ahead today. Life is an open kitchen with all the tools I need to take inspiration to action.